Menopause care Newburgh, NY - Hormone Health Institute

Understanding Menopause and Its Symptoms

Menopause is a natural transition that all women go through as they age. The term "menopause" refers to the point when a woman stops menstruating permanently. The years leading up to menopause are called perimenopause. This transition time usually starts in a woman's 40s, but can start earlier or later.

On average, most women reach menopause around age 51. However, it can occur anywhere between the ages of 40 and 55. Every woman's experience is different.

Common Symptoms

Some of the most common symptoms of menopause and perimenopause include:

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Long-term Health Risks

In addition to bothersome symptoms, women going through menopause are at increased risk for certain health conditions, including:

Benefits of Hormone Therapy

The good news is that hormone therapy (HT) can help alleviate uncomfortable symptoms and reduce long-term health risks associated with menopause.

Decades of research show hormone therapy is a safe and effective option for most healthy women dealing with moderate to severe menopause symptoms. When initiated soon after menopause, it has been shown to provide:

The key is receiving customized treatment tailored to your needs and health status from a qualified menopause specialist. Continue reading to learn about the comprehensive menopause care provided at Hormone Health Institute.

Take control of your menopause symptoms today!

Hormone Health Institute Menopause Center: Caring for Women Through Midlife Transitions

At Hormone Health Institute Menopause Center in Newburgh, we understand the physical and emotional impact fluctuating hormones can have on a woman's quality of life. Our goal is to provide exceptional individualized care to help patients feel their best during this transition.

Why Choose Us?

What sets Hormone Health Institute apart is our compassionate team of menopause specialists dedicated to finding solutions that are right for YOU.

We take time to listen and address all your concerns during a thorough evaluation. Then we craft customized treatment plans utilizing the latest therapies, including:

With regular follow-ups and fine-tuning, most women find immense relief and enhanced wellbeing on the proper regimen.

Our on-site state of the art lab allows for convenient testing without referrals. We also collaborate with local wellness businesses to provide adjunctive services like:

Bottom line--you'll receive truly personalized care in a warm, woman-focused environment.

Leading a New Approach

Hormone Health Institute Medical Director Dr. Jane Smith is considered an authority in salivary hormone testing and multi-modal hormone therapy. With special certifications in Anti-Aging and Regenerative Medicine, she lectures nationally to educate other physicians on the nuances of precision balancing hormones for optimal aging.

Dr. Smith's bestselling book "Thriving Through Menopause" and her podcast "Midlife Matters" have inspired thousands of women to embrace this transition as a launching pad for their best self.

Convenient Newburgh Location

We chose Newburgh for our tri-state flagship center because the landscape lends itself to healthy living. The walkable riverfront, numerous green spaces, yoga studios, shops, art galleries, and farm-to-table dining all contribute to elevating mood, creativity and vibrancy.

The Hudson Valley provides easy access to:

We want women to feel empowered and adventurous during this dynamic phase of life! Stop by for a tour and see what a difference the right balance of hormones can make for your midlife joy and beyond!

Bioidentical HRT: The Preferred Treatment Approach

There are three main types of treatment available to manage bothersome menopause symptoms:

  1. Hormone replacement therapy
  2. Non-hormonal medications
  3. Lifestyle measures like diet, stress reduction, etc.

Integrative providers like Hormone Health Institute often suggest starting with 3, while judiciously adding in 1 and 2 as needed for more robust effects.

What are Bioidentical Hormones?

At Hormone Health Institute, we primarily use carefully formulated "bioidentical" hormones to replenish declining levels of key youthful hormones like estrogen, testosterone and progesterone.

The term bioidentical means the molecular structure exactly matches endogenous human hormones. This allows activation of hormonal pathways and receptors in the most natural way possible.

Compounded into creams, gels or pills specifically dosed for your needs, these regulation of hormones can go a long way towards resolving uncomfortable symptoms affecting quality of life.

Elements of Customized HRT Regimens

There is no standardized formula or monotherapy that works for all women. The art of hormone therapy lies in listening to the patient, assessing biomarkers, then tailoring combinations of bioidentical hormones and other modalities based on the following:

The aim is to mimic the natural fluctuating balance of estrogen, progesterone and testosterone across young adulthood to peri-menopause.

We avoid "one size fits all" approach - this is where many women run into problems in symptom relief or side effects.

Through meticulous fine-tuning during follow up visits, the optimal balance enhances wellbeing while minimizing risk. Patience is needed, as it may take 3-6 months to fully stabilize.

Key bioidenticals we use include:

Augmentation with customized nutrition plans, stress reduction techniques and fitness regimens produce the best long term outcomes.

Pellet Therapy

While most patients do well on topical creams or gels, some prefer a more convenient dosing method.

Subcutaneous hormone pellets implanted under the skin provide consistent testosterone or estrogen levels over 3-6 months. Local numbing and a small insertion ensure minimal discomfort. Pellet therapy avoids frequent applications, transporting creams during travel, and absorption issues in some patients.

Pellets also circumvent any liver metabolism or GI issues interfering with symptom relief in difficult cases. However, patients must return periodically to assess when new pellets become necessary based on declining effects.

Interesting fact

Many women are unaware that certain lifestyle changes can significantly ease menopausal symptoms. Simple steps like regular exercise, stress reduction techniques, and a diet rich in plants and healthy fats have been shown to reduce hot flashes and mood swings in clinical studies. Taking care of overall health is an effective way to care for menopause.

Diagnosing Hormone Imbalance

Since hormone changes start gradually, it's not always obvious menopause biology is at fault for unwelcome symptoms disrupting wellbeing and productivity.

Accurately assessing your hormone profile is crucial before embarking on major therapeutic interventions or medications with side effects.

We offer state-of-the-art clinical lab testing for key hormones using blood draws or convenient in-office salivary assays:

Salivary Testing

This breakthrough allows measurement of real-time free circulating hormone levels non-invasively. Advantages over traditional serum blood tests include:

Blood Testing

Checking estradiol, FSH and AMH hormone levels via blood draws establishes menopause status and baseline numbers useful for reassessment during treatment.

Salivary tests may be recommended 1-3 months later to distinguish optimal hormone balance for symptom relief based on ration of key hormones.

Accurately identifying hormone depletion guides precise personalized augmentation for the best outcomes.

Take control of menopause symptoms, consider hormone therapy.

Am I a Candidate for HRT?

Many newly menopausal women wonder if HRT is right for them. The decision depends on each individual's situation, including:

Health Profile and History

Discuss any medical concerns or diagnoses with your menopause specialist during a thorough evaluation. Certain conditions warrant caution and extra monitoring if hormone therapy gets implemented.

Timing of Treatment

Initiating HRT earlier in menopause onset, typically under age 60, accrues the most benefits for symptom relief and disease prevention.

Declining hormones contribute to accelerated aging changes throughout the body and brain. Restoring balance earlier forestalls aspects of this decline, leading to better quality of life across the lifespan.

However, treatment remains helpful for some women over 60 struggling with moderate-severe symptoms affecting sleep, mood and relationships. Providers should utilize conservative dosing and extra vigilance in this cohort.

Personal Preferences

Some women want to avoid medications if possible. In these cases, providers start with lifestyle recommendations or safer nutraceuticals before considering bioidentical hormones.

For those willing to accept some risks, HRT often enhances physical and emotional health enough to feel rewards outweigh potential downsides. Thankfully, lower dose bioidentical regimens paired with close medical follow up make this a feasible path for many.

Bottom line-- make the choice that feels right for YOU in close consultation with your menopause specialist.

Seeking Menopause Care: Next Steps

We hope this overview has illuminated key issues around navigating the menopause transition gracefully. Thriving through midlife and beyond requires diligent self-care and proper medical support.

At Hormone Health Institute Menopause Center, we make that process easier through compassionate guidance and cutting edge therapies. With individualized treatment plans based on precise testing and assessments, most women finally feel like themselves again.

If you are a female over 40 suffering from irregular cycles, hot flashes, unexplained fatigue, disrupted sleep, mood swings or other common symptoms, we encourage you to reach out.

Further evaluation can identify any underlying hormone imbalance behind suboptimal wellness. Addressing the root cause promotes safe, efficacious relief on your path to optimized aging.

We offer convenient telemedicine appointments if you are not local. Please () to start exploring solutions best aligned with your health status and personal goals.

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